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Product Availability: In stock

Product Weight: 0.1000 KG
Product information
Insecticide, mosquitoicide and pyrethroid insecticide.
It is active against all types of ticks in their juvenile or adult forms, including strains resistant to ticks from other chemical groups.
Low toxicity. Barrage® is very effective against “horn fly” (Haematobia irritans).
It must be used in immersion or spraying bathrooms, and can be applied in manual or motorized sprayers.
It has good stability and remains active for a long period of time.
Residual power from 8 to 14 days.
instructions for use:
In immersion bathroom:
Load: Use 1 liter of Barrage® for 1000 liters of water (1 : 1000).
Refill: Use 1.5 liters of Barrage® for 1000 liters of water (1.5 : 1000).
In cases of severe tick infestations, use 1 liter of Barrage® for every 600 liters of water (1:600).
To prepare the solution for the immersion bath, it is important to make a premix in a bucket by adding the necessary amount of Barrage® to twice this volume in water, stirring until the formation of a homogeneous emulsion. Then pour this mixture into the bathroom and complete the volume, shaking the syrup vigorously for a perfect homogenization. Whenever the bathroom has been unused for a while, shake again.
In spraying:
Dilute 20 mL of Barrage® in 20 liters of water to be used, mixing well. Bathe the entire surface of the animal, especially the regions most subject to infestations by flies or ticks, such as: ears, dewlaps, between limbs, groin and tail insertion. Always use sprayers with good pressure and direct the jet against the hairs. It is recommended to consume 5 liters of diluted product in the bath of each adult bovine.
Intervals between baths:
Treatments can be repeated every 4 or 5 weeks.
Barrage® is an Emulsifiable concentrate containing:
150 grams of alphacyano-3-phenoxybenzyl-2,2-dimethyl-3-(2,2-dichlorovinyl)-cyclopropane carboxylate (Cypermethrin) per liter.
Barrage® is easily emulsifiable in water.
Grace period
Slaughter: the slaughter of animals treated with this product should only be carried out 48 hours after the last application.
Milk: the product does not require a waiting period for the consumption of milk from treated cattle.
handling precautions:
• Avoid contamination of food and milking material.
• Avoid contact with the operator's skin, especially before diluting the product.
• Avoid smoking when spraying or near the bathroom.
• Do not use empty packaging.
• Do not store or apply with food, drinks, medicines, hygiene and household products.
• Avoid spraying against the operator.
• Wash hands and exposed skin before eating, drinking or smoking and after work.
• Toxic product for fish.
• Do not contaminate watercourses.
• Do not throw pesticide toilet waste into rivers and lakes.
• Try to burn or bury empty containers. Barrage® must be kept in its original packaging, at room temperature (15oC to 30oC) and protected from sunlight.
Keep out of reach of children and pets.
First aid:
Immediately remove contaminated clothing and wash affected parts of the body with soap and water.
If the product gets into the eyes, wash immediately with water for 15 minutes and call a doctor.
There is no specific antidote. Treat symptomatically.

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Units in box: 1


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