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Product Weight: 0.1000 KG
Product information
The definitive treatment for single dose infections and anti-inflammatory.
Occurrences of infectious diseases represent a major problem for meat and milk production. They affect the welfare of animals and cause great damage with the drop in productivity. Therefore, having an effective and fast-acting antibiotic is essential to treat the animals and return them to production.
Therefore, Clarion Biosciences once again revolutionizes and brings an exclusive high-tech solution to the veterinary market, the AcurA® MAX product.
AcurA® Max is the only injectable antimicrobial, ready to use, with a broad spectrum of action, indicated for the treatment of infections in cattle, horses and dogs in a single dose, associated with the anti-inflammatory power of meloxicam.
AcurA® Max has ceftiofur (hydrochloride) as an antimicrobial agent, associated with the anti-inflammatory power of meloxican, in an exclusive formulation of high technology and stability with Dendrimers. This exclusive association of ceftiofur and meloxicam with dendrimers promotes the ideal triple synergism, providing a quick recovery of the animal treated in a single dose.
AcurA® Max is easy to apply and its advanced formulation technology, which provides high stability, gives the product 4 years of shelf life.
Apply intramuscularly.
AcurA® Max is presented in 25 mL vials that promote the complete treatment of an animal weighing 500 kg of live weight, as its dosage is 1 mL / 20 kg of live weight in a single dose (or at the discretion of the Veterinary Doctor).
AcurA® Max is safe in the treatment, less labor and handling, quick recovery of the treated animal, better cost-benefit and greater profitability for the producer.
Fast recovery of the animal in a single dose
Unique association: ceftiofur + meloxicam
No risk of bacterial resistance
Wide range of indications
4 years expiry date
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